

Our Beauty academy

Beauty Academy Features. We provide an efficient learning environment along with an experienced lecturer for our lovely students. Moreover, our facilities are able to allow students to show off their talents and skills.

Our Video

As No.1 Beauty Academy, our professor is providing live demostration to our students. Students will be able to learn and become an expert beautician.

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Our Franchise Business

SKIN RENEW Standard Professional Cosmetology Courses Syllabus are all reviews and qualified by Training Qualification UK, specialize designated in accordance with the development of Cosmetology Education of 21st century, industry requisite and the Market needs. Ensure that graduates will be able to immediately perform output at working environment!

SKIN RENEW teaching approach is both theory and practical two-way attention; focusing on leading trainees mastered highest standard practical skills of Salons operation, so as to lay a strong stabilize foundation for future career prospect.

Aesthetic courses in malaysia

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